Home EV Charging Guide

Home EV Charging Station Guide

Home EV Charging Station Guide

Owning an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle from Colonial Kia comes with many perks, such as the ease and affordability of charging your car at home with your own EV charging station.

Worried about the expense and logistics of setting up a home EV charging station? Fear not, with the right information in hand. Fortunately, it’s a straightforward process involving a bit of planning and decision-making to find the perfect match. Continue reading to discover different home EV charging options, installation prerequisites, and related costs.

Types of Home Charging Stations

Level 1 Charging Stations

Level 1 Charging Stations

Today, the most widespread type, Level 1 EVSE, uses a 120-volt AC plug. It generally adds between 2-5 miles of driving range per hour of charging. Level 1 stations simply require an electrical outlet and a dedicated branch circuit for setup, making them perfect for overnight charging of plug-in hybrids. Most electric vehicles are equipped with a portable Level 1 EVSE cordset, allowing them to be easily plugged into a standard home outlet.

Level 2 Charging Stations

Level 2 Charging Stations

To boost charging speed, opt for a Level 2 charging station. Offering significantly more power than a Level 1, Level 2 chargers can deliver 10-60 miles of range per hour of charging through a 240-volt AC outlet, ideal for fully electric vehicles. Installation demands a dedicated electrical circuit ranging from 20 to 100 amps and specific equipment. Fortunately, many homes are already equipped with the 240-volt service needed for these stations. However, compliance with local regulations is a must. For safe installation, always engage a licensed electrical contractor. Level 2 stations can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

Multi-Unit Charging Stations

Multi-Unit Charging Stations

Owning a home isn’t for everyone, and that’s where multi-unit charging stations come into play. Perfect for apartment complexes and similar multi-unit living spaces, these stations are gaining popularity. Landlords and property owners are recognizing the benefit of installing these stations, not only to accommodate EV owners but also to support environmental conservation. As EV ownership continues to rise across the country, it’s worth considering a multi-unit residence equipped with an EV charging station.

Costs of Installing A Home EV Charging Station

Installing a Level 2 home EV charging station is surprisingly affordable, with costs ranging between $500 and $2,000. Additionally, you might qualify for state or federal tax incentives, lowering the cost even more. Plus, some manufacturers provide discounts on the installation of a home EV charging station when you buy a new vehicle. Considering the upfront costs, possible discounts, and the long-term savings of owning an EV charging station, the investment becomes even more attractive.

Every home EV charging station comes with crucial safety features and status lights. Plus, you can get accessories like advanced displays and systems for smartphone connections.

Discover the Perfect Electric Car for Your Home EV Charging Station Now

Discover the Perfect Electric Car for Your Home EV Charging Station Now

Looking for a Kia electric car that suits your lifestyle and budget, or curious about EV charging station options? Visit us at Colonial Kia in Chester, Midlothian, or Richmond, VA, today to learn more.

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